Sunday, May 4, 2008

Zhytomyr Trip!

We got up early today and drove about four hours by automobile to visit with Pat's sister Dee and her husband Bill who have established several churches and a Bible School here in Zhytomyr, Ukraine. This is a fairly large city, about 300,000 people with lots of traffic, people walking on the streets, little shops, etc.. We were here four years ago to teach in their Bible School but this time we just came to visit and to be with them. The weather was cloudy and rainy as we left but got cleared and clearer the closer we got to the city. Had we taken a bus to get here it would have taken about eight (8) hours driving and we would have to transfer buses in another city.
Bill and Dee picked us up and we drove to their house which is a little outside the city; quite and peaceful with lots of flowers blooming and buds on the apple and apricot trees. Spring has just begun here; plentiful sunshine and temps about 55-60 degrees. We visited their new Bible School under construction and shopped at the grocery market. You can buy about anything we can in the USA but prices have increased drastically as the dollar is falling fast and can see the effect of their Western European Culture in the furniture and the clothing fashions. I didn't know this but Moscow, Russia and Kiev, Ukraine are two of the most expensive cites is the world; even more expensive than New York! We had a home-made dinner of real roast. Kevin, I understand how you felt my brother as the meat did taste mighty good along with vegtables, lemonade and home-made apple pie for dessert! Thanks to the Lord for this blessing.
Last evening, I watched the God Channel on TV as the Outpouring of healing in Lakeland, Florida was broadcast here in Ukraine. As I watched what the Lord is doing, listened to all the healing testimonies from around the world, I felt His Presence and healing power so very strong. Yes, revival is here and revival is coming! Pastor Denny Cline from the Albany Vineyard Church was in attendance and was interviewed by Todd Bentley, the evangelist as Pastor Denny testified that he had felt a major increase in the intensity of God's presence in just several days. These meetings are now being held in the Lakeland Stadium which holds about 10,000 people! Please comment if you have any other information about this outpouring of Holy Spirit power and healing. Or if you have been here I would like to know more! Thanks and will blog again one more time before we leave.

Last Day in Kremenets, Ukraine

On Friday, Pat and I finished our final day of teaching here in the Bible School. We began the day with lots of worship from the students singing their Russian worship songs which were really upbeat and wonderful! There is something so pure, so refreshing about songs sung in another language that you can't understand with your mind, but can feel in your spirit! The female students then did an interpetive dance with candles that were very holy and uplifting to the group and the Lord. They had practiced all week and did a wonderful job. They students and Pat danced another dance unto the Lord that they had practiced all week and it was also beautiful. Some had tears in their eyes as the Lord spoke to the hearts of these students and staff alike through this dance. Then, two young students danced an interpetive dance they choregraphed themselves to the song "Holy Love" sang by Robert Stearns. There is so much talent in these young ladies and we are excited about them going further in the dance.
We then began the final day of teaching by focusing on Consecration; Gary ministered about "Moving Forward - Fully Consecrated" and Pat concluded the teaching by giving practical biblical truths in "Consecrated for a Purpose". We then spent the next hour praying individally for each student and staff. These students have had little or no individual prayer over themselves as the Lord spoke loud and clear to each one; encouraging and exhorting them to stay wholly committed to God's Holy call on their lives.
Luda then presented Pat and I with two coffee mugs and a scarf for Pat that represented the class and their thanks to both of us for coming to their bible school. We were humbled and honored by this gift and received it with joy. We both feel we imparted a large deposit of God's love, God's Word, and lots of practical biblical teaching and examples. Luba, our great cook here at the school made Russian Hamburgers for lunch. Wow, a real treat indeed; Ukrainian soup, beets, and tea were also included in our final lunch at the school.
They asked Pat to dance again; this time they video recorded two dances for the students and future students at their school. Pat was very honored at this request as there is a true hunger for genuine worship and dance. Luba, the school's "house mother" is a teacher and worship leader who will really help these students draw closer in their worship. Thanks you Lord for this gift!
We took a bus back to our hotel room about 5:00 PM - tired but filled with deep satisfaction of doing God's will here in Kremenets! We then spent some time packing our suitcases for our next adventure tomorrow morning. We look forward to posting again tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ministry News from Ukraine

Blessings on you this day! Pat and I just finished teaching and are at the Internet Cafe. Pat is teaching the girls a dance to a Jewish Song and they have been practicing all week in preparation for their celebration dance on Friday, our last day of ministry here. They have been practicing and preparing after lunch for four days so we know that they will certainly do well. There is a real hunger to dance unto the Lord here as many are so gifted with coordination, balance, and are natural dancers.
Our class today was special; I ministered on the "Heart like David" and used the demos that I use for ministry as the students were extremelyh receptive. Luba, the sister of Liya from Moscow was our translator today and did a great job. She has been accepted to work at a Christian Camp in New Jersey this coming summer and is excited about the opportunity to come to the USA. We prayed individually over every person, students and staff and even Luba our cook came into the classroom and wanted prayer along with Luda's two grandchildren! Thank you Lord for this great opportunity! The Lord spoke loud and clear to them and were encouraged that the Lord does have a special plan and purpose for their lives. Pat did another interpetive dance this morning; there was lots of joy and a real desire to allow God to touch their hearts.
Our health is very good thanks to our wonderful Lord! Pat and I are both real tired at night and our sleeping conditions are good. The weather is about 50-60 degrees each day with some sunshine and clouds as well. Each day we take the bus to the Bible School which is about twenty minutes away as the bus is generally very crowded and have to stand up most of the way. On Monday we had a very slow bus going up the steep hills here which I named the "Kremenents Krawler" as went extremely slow.
Hi this is Pat now. Yes, classes are going so very well! We are so enjoying teaching them. Gary is teaching in the mornings, me in the afternoon! They are truly hungry. I think we are learning some things too from them as we have some interactive time! This has been such a worthwhile time! And yes, I am loving teaching them a dance! I am just loving the simplicity here and the joy of being part of them. If we come again, we will stay at the school. It will be great to have even more time with them! Until later.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Saturday in Kremenets

On Saturday, we had a wonderful time just touring this old, beautiful city of Kremenets, located in Western Ukraine. Our driver knew the city very well and took us to the castle located on a high mountain above the city where you can see for miles around. The weather was wonderful, 60 degrees and lots of sunshine so we took some pictures and enjoyed our time here. I though about Jesus when he was praying for Jerusalem. He said why are you "not willing" to listen to me; to become a part of My kingdom! The picture located on our newsletter is what we saw here on Saturday.
We also traveled to a forestry college in another part of the city. It was located in a scenic spot and the spring flowers and scents were just perfect. This was Easter Weekend in Ukraine so no students were around. Then we drove to a Catholic Monastary where they had a fresh water baptism pool in which both men and women were baptizing themselves in this pool. Having baptized literally thousands over the years, this proved really interesting and tested my faith concerning what this really means. Will perhaps write later about this.
Tried to post some photos on the blog but were unable to get connected so no luck today. The teaching sessions are going very well. Today was real good but only three days left here at the school. Will post again tomorrow. Bless you all real good.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Glorious Easter Sunday

Christ has died, Christ has risen, and Christ will come again!

What a glorious Easter Sunday in Ukraine!! This is a very compelling place. The students and leaders are so very hungry. Classes are going so well. Today the people really rejoiced that Jesus truly is risen! Ah, I think I saw an example of a New Testament Church. One had a hymn, spiritual song, word, etc.

Then we had a long table and bench and sat down and celebrated by eating and fellowshipping.

God's people are truly one! "He has made from one blood every nation."

This afternoon I spent a couple of hours teaching some wonderful ladies a dance. They will practice and do it by themselves on Friday!

There really aren't any words to express how glorious it is!!!!

Love to all!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Purpose of our Mission

Before Pat and I left home to come to Ukraine, the Lord gave to us a specific direction for our trip and even several scriptures to keep us moving forward. In 1 Thessalonians 3:1, Paul said he sent Timothy our brother and minister of God, and our fellow laborer in the gospel of Christ TO ESTABLISH YOU and ENCOURAGE YOU concerning your faith. We believe that this is our mission for the students here; to establish and ground them deeper in God's Word, to encourage them to go deeper in the things of God, and to LOVE THEM UNCONDITIONALLY as many have not experienced the Father's Love in their lives.
We are thankful to our wonderful Savior who sent us here for His glory and for His pleasure. Continue to pray for us that the Lord would continue to give us fresh revelation for these hungry students.

Good Friday Blessings

It's Good Friday here in Ukraine as they celebrate this Holy Season the same weekend every year! We didn't know this but many are preparing for a big celebration this weekend. Some of the students are fasting today and a few didn't come to class today because of their commitment to fast and pray! They asked Pat and I to be a part of their Easter Celebration service on Sunday so we look forward to enjoying God's presence here!
Pat is visiting a Jevish Cemetery as I write this blog. There were many Jews who were killed in this area during the second war and nobody in the city will take responsibility for caring for their cemetery; mow the grass, trim the shrubs, etc. EXCEPT the students here in the bible school who have volunteered to do this all spring and summer long!
It is really a blessing to experience the commitment of these students who were born and raised in Russia, have come to Ukraine to understand the things of the Spirit, and then return back to Russia.
Yes, the language and culture are so vastly different from ours but we are made from "One Blood"; every tribe and nation will be feasting with the Lord at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and it's great just to be near some of these people.
Bless each one of you richly! Pat and I are doing well and we will continue to keep you posted on a regular basis as we attempt to be relevant in a world where computers aren't very important. Yesterday, as I went to the market to get some breakfast for us, they had no cash register or calculator for adding the items being purchased, but they had a real abacus that they used instead! Just a little behind our times huh!