It's Good Friday here in Ukraine as they celebrate this Holy Season the same weekend every year! We didn't know this but many are preparing for a big celebration this weekend. Some of the students are fasting today and a few didn't come to class today because of their commitment to fast and pray! They asked Pat and I to be a part of their Easter Celebration service on Sunday so we look forward to enjoying God's presence here!
Pat is visiting a Jevish Cemetery as I write this blog. There were many Jews who were killed in this area during the second war and nobody in the city will take responsibility for caring for their cemetery; mow the grass, trim the shrubs, etc. EXCEPT the students here in the bible school who have volunteered to do this all spring and summer long!
It is really a blessing to experience the commitment of these students who were born and raised in Russia, have come to Ukraine to understand the things of the Spirit, and then return back to Russia.
Yes, the language and culture are so vastly different from ours but we are made from "One Blood"; every tribe and nation will be feasting with the Lord at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and it's great just to be near some of these people.
Bless each one of you richly! Pat and I are doing well and we will continue to keep you posted on a regular basis as we attempt to be relevant in a world where computers aren't very important. Yesterday, as I went to the market to get some breakfast for us, they had no cash register or calculator for adding the items being purchased, but they had a real abacus that they used instead! Just a little behind our times huh!
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