Sunday, April 27, 2008

Glorious Easter Sunday

Christ has died, Christ has risen, and Christ will come again!

What a glorious Easter Sunday in Ukraine!! This is a very compelling place. The students and leaders are so very hungry. Classes are going so well. Today the people really rejoiced that Jesus truly is risen! Ah, I think I saw an example of a New Testament Church. One had a hymn, spiritual song, word, etc.

Then we had a long table and bench and sat down and celebrated by eating and fellowshipping.

God's people are truly one! "He has made from one blood every nation."

This afternoon I spent a couple of hours teaching some wonderful ladies a dance. They will practice and do it by themselves on Friday!

There really aren't any words to express how glorious it is!!!!

Love to all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How wonderful it is to celebrate the resurrection for a second time. Blessings to you and the students. We miss you all.

Kevin & Cecelia